ASHA Registered Recorded Courses

Professional Development for Supporting Selective Mutism

At Our Brave Voices, we offer ASHA-registered courses designed to empower school-based speech-language pathologists (SLPs) and assistants (SLAs) with the tools, strategies, and confidence needed to support students with selective mutism.

Our engaging, evidence-based courses provide practical techniques and a deeper understanding of SM in educational settings, equipping professionals to make a meaningful impact. Explore our offerings and take the next step in supporting your students.

Our Brave Voices - Selective Mutism Treatment And Evaluations

Selective Mutism 101

Understanding SM in the Educational Setting

This course is intended to help school-based SLPs and SLAs begin to deepen their understanding of the needs of students with selective mutism. Attendees will learn what SM is and what it isn’t, deepen their awareness of the inner experience of a student who has SM, and develop an increased understanding of eligibility and school-based supports for this population.

Available for 0.1 ASHA CEUs

Our Brave Voices - Selective Mutism Treatment And Evaluations

The SLP’s Toolbox for Treating Selective Mutism (SM)

This course seeks to empower school-based SLPs to successfully treat students with selective mutism using an integrated team approach. The support process & Brave Voice hierarchy will be demystified. The techniques Stimulus Fading & Shaping will demonstrated to offer SLPs take-away tools. The importance of working as a team will be emphasized & disability awareness related to SM will be explored.

Available for 0.15 ASHA CEUs

What attendees are saying about our trainings…

Thank you so much for this organized, informative, training and for providing helpful follow-up resources for continued education and growth. You are a wonderful resource!

I totally appreciated your teaching style!  A nice mix of discussion, videos and slides.  I feel like I have a much better understanding of Selective Mutism.  Will highly recommend your webinars to others!

You do an excellent job of keeping the pace of your presentations interesting by varying talking with video clips and your slide presentation.  I never felt that you were talking down to us.  You come across as being truly excited about sharing your knowledge!

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